Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fantastic Sam's

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
Genesis 3:8 (NIV)
Giggles came from the bedroom.  Plastic people traveled in their molded cars without a care in their primary-colored world.  Soon, innocent giggles shifted to suspicious chuckles.  As I entered the doorway, two very pleased little ones popped up with arms outstretched. “TA-DAH!” they exclaimed as if they had just performed a great magic act.  In a sense they had.  Her once-shoulder-length-curly-hair was now randomly deleted from its original state.      
Shock, disappointment and confusion filled this mother.  The scene of the crime was remarkably neat and tidy.  A fluffy pile of beautiful brown hair and scissors were hidden under the bed.  For the first time I recognized sin in my four-year-old’s life.  
Hiding is not a new concept.  Adam and Eve were given everything Paradise had to offer, except one tree – the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Enter slithering Satan.  With very little dialogue recorded, we know Eve willingly denounced what she knew was the right thing for what seemed right for her at the time.  Then, she shared her sinful snack with Adam.  Soon after, God came through the Garden to find them hiding, ashamed of their sin.   
God wants to shed light on any hidden areas of sin in our lives.  Bask in His light and know while we can’t hide our sin, He can.
Lord, thank you for Your forgiveness.  Thank you for Your Holy Spirit’s conviction in order to bring me closer to You. Reveal anything in my life that is not pleasing to You. Cleanse me of my sins. I want to know you more. Please be with those who are hiding behind shame and guilt today. Draw them into your light and forgiveness.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lazy Dogs

 We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who, through faith and patience, inherit what has been promised.
Hebrews 6:12 NIV
I should have known something was “up” when my six-year-old son met me at my car with a transparent “stall job” only a small child can pull off.  As I entered the house with neck craned to prepare myself for a broken lamp, spilled ketchup bottle or new unscheduled haircut on a sibling…I saw them.  Two little marble eyes peered out from under the blanket.  A new pup had made its way into our house via my husband.  The kids were in love.  I was in like.  I’ve had puppies.  The cute wears off about the time the smell wafts from under a bed.  House-training takes patience. 
Like many things, I wouldn’t mind the process…if it didn’t take so dog-gone long.
I'll be honest, I like old, calm, lazy dogs. Our  overweight, aged beagle suits me fine. She requires very little and poops outside! God has shown me through this peppy pup to "perk up". Life is for the living and it requires getting up!
There is a time to rest and a time to get to work. Even Jesus took a nap on the boat until the storm arose. When He got up, however, He got to work calming the sea!
Are you resting in God or just sleeping on the sofa?  Is God directing you in a situation but you just don’t want to give up your ‘nothing’ time?  “In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path” Proverbs 3:6.  Pray for His Will.  His path leads to promise. 
God, please direct me to not just good things, but “God” things.  Busyness is not my goal.  I want to be on task for You.  Give me energy and desire to serve you.  Direct my path as I walk with You. Lord, thank you for our soldiers who are fighting for our country. Be with their families while they are serving.  Bring them home safely.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Am I Skinny Yet???

 He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught

Isaiah 50:5 (NIV)

Standing in the grocery store check-out line, I can’t help but “check out” the thin celebrities gracing the covers of countless magazines.  Taking in their seemingly flawless frames nearly always yields the same response:  a quick peek at my own work-in-progress-frame…followed by a sigh.  
Does anyone out there LOVE to exercise?  I’ll admit the results of exercise are wonderful:  toned body parts, energy, stamina, natural serotonin…but none of the “payoff” or results come without time and energy invested.  You have to make the effort to get up and move!  I don’t know how many times I have begun a workout routine and, after only a day or two, gone to the mirror expecting to see dramatic change.  It’s not there.  Then the excuses follow:  my metabolism must be slow, maybe my thyroid isn’t working.  Results require time and commitment.
Our spiritual work-out is very similar.  Reading the Bible, memorizing scripture, witnessing to others and even praying begins as a daily choice.  You have to “get up” from what you were doing and choose to move in a new spiritual direction.   I would love to have the biblical knowledge and insight of Beth Moore or Billy Graham.  Am I willing to do what it takes to grow strong in the Lord?  Can I expect to flex my spiritual muscles with great effect after a short time in the Word?  
Begin today by memorizing a scripture or reading His Word.  Daily disciplines of sitting at the Master’s feet will strengthen your spirits.
Lord, I know I am not always disciplined in my commitment to You. Today I commit to be more:  more committed, more faithful and more disciplined. You say in your Word we are more than conquerors. Help me to be more. God, be with the leaders of the Faith as they stand for You.  Watch over our pastors and churches.  Protect them from the enemy’s snares. Help them to not grow weary in the work You have called them to.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Oaks of Righteousness


(I will) bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.
Isaiah 61:3 (NIV)
Since the 1500’s, a quiet giant has stood tall in the Wye Oak State Park in Maryland.   Among the impressive characteristics of the Wye were its massive “knees” or buttresses, which helped support the huge tree.  At the end in 2002, the tree measured 31 feet 8 inches in circumference, was 96 feet tall and had an average crown spread of 119 feet.
Why does God call us “oaks”?   Oaks are known for their strength and endurance.  Hundreds of years ago, ships were made of oak wood.  Now, furniture and flooring bears the same unique grain.  Oaks have great reaching branches that offer much shade.  Its roots take in water to nourish the tree.  So what does all this mean for us?
Given this example, as a Christian woman, I am not interested in being known for my age, weight or circumference!  However, strength, usefulness and kneeling knees are worthy character traits to possess.  If rooted in the Living Water, we can find strength to offer shade to others.  Staying on our knees in prayer strengthens our families and us. 
When storms of life come, we can be secure knowing we are rooted in the firm foundation of Creator God.  In His presences we know our calling and our strength is in Him.  We must not be quiet.  We must be oaks of righteousness on display for His splendor.
Lord, thank You for the honor of showing Your glory.  Help me to display Your splendor by offering help and prayer to my family and others. Lord, give discernment to our political leaders today. Turn their hearts toward You so they might be known as Oaks of Righteousness and restore strength and dignity to our country.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

THAT's a Deal!

Click the logo to find out more about sponoring a child.

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep ourselves unspotted from the world.
James 1:27 (NKJV)
I was blown away watching an afternoon talk-show recently.  A noted fashion designer to the stars was launching a new “affordable” clothing line for “everyday people”.  The several-hundred-member audience was brought to a roar of applause when the simple black cardigan’s price of $80 was announced.  “That is so cheap,” they all agreed.  Maybe for some, spending nearly $100 on one article of clothing is a good deal.  But do you know the cost of that sweater could feed 2 children through World Vision or Compassion International  for a month?  
Maybe you're thinking that God doesn't really care about your clothes or how much you spend on them. One of the top two topics in the Bible is money. It's called stewardship. A steward is someone who is personally responsible for taking care of another person's property. Everything we have is God's property. He just lets us  use it!
Maybe there’s something in your everyday spending God is leading you to cut out. Consider praying and asking God to lead you according to His Will about your spending.  Maybe He would have you sponsor a child or give from your surplus to a local charity.  One thing is for certain, ask and He will direct you.
God, you have given me so much and I am thankful.  Help me know where you want me to serve and give Your time and resources. Lord, be with rescue ministries who provide shelter, food and clothing to children all over the world. Show me how I might assist in their efforts.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Who Can Find?

A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Proverbs 31:10 (NIV)
When we look at the“Proverbs 31 woman” it’s hard not to read of her many capabilities, wipe our brow with a sigh, and raise one eyebrow with a little head bobble and think ... well good for her. Most women have one of two responses: “I could never live up to that” or “Man, I’d better get busy!”
What does it mean to have noble character? At some point all of us feel overwhelmed. Mothers care for the kids, buy the groceries, put everything away, do the laundry, and clean bathrooms, all while keeping everyone on schedule and maintaining a sunny disposition. Now, Proverbs tells us a woman should also buy land, make her own fabric and apparently never sleep. How can we possibly measure up?
While the world’s standards are often based on the how smooth our face and thighs remain, God looks at our heart. Our “noble character” is demonstrated by the things we do for others and ourselves. Kindness and honesty are some of the honorable qualities the Lord smiles on. Whether you work 40 hour weeks away from home or 24-7 at home, you are valued. Raising a family is a commission straight from God. Being a wife is, too.

I’ve known the Proverbs 31 woman: she was my aunt, grandmother, mother, friend and neighbor. Many women in my life have displayed her characteristics. This passage was not meant to discourage women. We all have attributes of the Proverbs 31 woman. We should remember our nobility comes from our Heavenly Father. As we grow closer to Him, our character will develop into one more like Christ.

Lord, be with me today as I seek Your Will. Help me to cultivate the characteristics of a Proverbs 31 woman. Help me remember I am valued and important.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Miss Perfect

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect
it until the day of Christ Jesus.
 Philippians 1:6 (NASB)
Has anyone else noticed her body changing?  Things that were high aren’t quite so elevated anymore.  Smooth areas of yesteryear find themselves in need of an insurance adjustment for possible hail damage.  Why do we have to change?  I liked the way I looked “back then”.    Hundreds of products line the shelves of stores trying to turn back the hands of time.  But, alas, time marches on.
The Bible contains 27 different Greek and Hebrew words for “perfect”.  They refer to a process, not a finished project.  Our longing for past perfection directly opposes biblical perspective.  No matter what you were before, if you are growing in Christ, you are being perfected.  God doesn’t expect you to be perfect – in appearance.  Our significance does not come from physical appearance or moral perfection.  It comes from our identity in The Perfect One – Jesus Christ.
Focusing on outer beauty more than inner completeness is a trap we all fall into at one time or another.  However, Proverbs 31:30 says, “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”  God wants you to find your significance in Him.  When you do, everything else will fall perfectly into place.
God, I sometimes get distracted by my own self-indulgence.   I know you call me “beautiful” because I am Yours.  Forgive me for losing focus and keep me close to you, so I see Your reflection in my eyes. I want to model Your beauty for my children. Lord, be with mothers throughout the world as they strive to teach their children to value themselves. Help them not focus on outward appearance. Affirm they are special because You created them. Give them confidence in themselves and in You.